Marcus Aurelius: 5 Practice on Mental Health (An Ancient Wisdom Modern Life Series)

Philosophy is the study of the fundamental nature of knowledge, reality, and existence, especially when considered as an academic discipline.

Many people will need to hear about resilience, or the ability to endure, in order to make sense of what is going on today.

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Examine what you can glean from ancient teachings that are still relevant now as they were when they were penned centuries ago.
  1. Distinguish and identify what is up to us AND what is not upto us; the things we can control and the things we cannot.
  2. Know that the body can achieve anything so as long as the mind wills it; pain is expected and as such that it too will pass.
  3. Growth happens when we overcome resistance; just as a diamond is fashioned from tremendous and all enveloping pressure.
  4. Love what is happening to you. The small joys, the big blows; that is life.
  5. Learn from others’ experiences; read to gain exposure; read to gain advantage.
  6. Control your ego. Not everything is about you; nor is your pain yours alone. 

If you offer your employees a wellness program, it shows your concern for their health and wellbeing. It shows how much the company cares about its employees’ health and emphasizes its importance.

It helps a company create a positive image and a great workplace culture, a culture of health. The benefits are endless, and once employees are engaged, they like coming to work.

If you’re interested in more and you’d like to set a meeting with us you Contact us at and discover how HoliFit can help your business reach its goals. You can also check out our Facebook page, Instagram, LinkedIn, and Youtube Channel for more information about our services. 

Don’t miss out on this opportunity. To find out how HoliFit can help your business reach its goals through Mental Healthcontact us today!

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